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Sharon Wingfelder – CAGT 2019 Credit Conference

    Sharon Wingfelder

    Sharon is responsible for leading FCT’s employment strategy, human resources planning, culture, and organizational development as they pertain to the company’s overall growth and success.

    Prior to working at FCT, Sharon held senior roles in organizations such as Holt Renfrew, CIBC, Bell Canada, Sanofi Pasteur and RBC.

    Sharon is the Chair of the Board for Home Suite Hope, a Halton charity that helps low income single-parent families go from crisis to stability by breaking the cycle of poverty. Prior to that, Sharon was Chair of the Board for Partnership to Advance Youth Employment (PAYE) a joint venture between the City of Toronto and the Toronto Private Sector dedicated to supporting youth find meaningful employment in the City of Toronto. Sharon has also been a member of the Board of Directors for the Canadian Manufacturer and Exporters Association and the Biotech Human Resources Council.

    Education, Memberships & Awards:

    • Adult Education Diploma from the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE) at the University of Toronto
    • BA from the University of Windsor
    • Business Administration Diploma from Lambton College
    • Member of the Chief Human Resources Council (CHRO), Strategic Capability Network (SCN)
    Speaker Details